
Sunday, December 30, 2012

The end of it entering the front half.

I build shit, With love...

Well it's the end of the year and I not write as much as I intended. Actually, I didn't intend on writing all that much. Well. Really I did but hadn't made time, or planned it, or made it a goal... Blar de blar de blar....

Anyhooty. I have been begged by my boss and co-workers to write the service blog for Sports Garage and the new site that will be launched soon-ish. I hear Feb., January, maybe even March? Who even knows. I just write the shit and if they are daring enough, they will post it.

So what of this and my personal site? Fukc it. JK. I am actually going to continue my other blogg, Jameson TerrySmith, Adventures in Life and Travel. For the love of gawd do not read the past posts. It may horrify you and you may never want to associate yourself, with myself....? Here's a link to such a site if you have the time to get into it.

What will it be about you ask? Hopefully it will be about my life outside of the bicycle industry, and the odd things I get myself into and try. Like a few weeks ago, I got my aura cleansed for the first time. What it's like to go on a date with a 46 year old woman. Or how I got 4 OK Cupid ladies to show up at one of my shows.

I know I know! I've turned into a dick the past few months, and I do believe I am over it, and myself.  But there our still a lot of gnarly shit to do with the rest of my life and there is now reason to not document such thangs.

Sorry for the shorty, but I gotta start cooking.

Have a great New Year and I'll talk at y'all lators!


Monday, December 10, 2012

Shmervise Viter!

I was out running the other day and I got to thinking about service writers and the whole logistics of the idea. I know, I know, running? Aren't you a "cyclist"? Well, I need all the help I can get to keep this shit box of a body up and I believe the ladies deserve something "nice" to look at while I work on their bikes. Which funny enough is how I got to this train of thought.

I have always loved the idea of a service writer and for those of you who don't know, A service writer works at a garage or dealership (bicycle shop). He is responsible for writing repair orders, communicating them to the mechanic and estimating the final cost to the consumer. Service writer. At least that's what it says when I look it up.

I'm used to talking with the customer and getting to know them and being able to put some character to the bike. And they get to me, the mechanic, and can have trust in knowing that I am going to do the best job that I can. We form a relationship and bond. Kinda helps me cause I can put a face and personality to the bicycle that I am working on.

Lately it's been a bit hard for me cause they come in, and they are just bikes. I don't know how much they are ridden, how they are ridden, or how they are cared for. Why? Cause when I personally talk to the customers, I get this info from them. I figure out their objectives while talking to them. I get to know them as a cyclist, and their bike as part of that experience.

So. With that being said, in the eyes of a business owner, I can see where having a dedicated service writer comes into play. He talks to the customer, relays all that jibber jabber into notes, writes up the work order, and sends it off to me. Awesome! Cause now I can concentrate on what I do best, and do the best job that I can, with out distractions and interruptions. I love that as well. There's no excuse for a mistake. And I can get more done in a day, Boom...

So where am I going with all this? No where really. Cause I am sitting in a hot bath tub, sweating my ass off in the December, with a stupid haircut and no facial hair.......